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30 minute - 1 hour visits


Don’t let your busy schedule interfere with your furry friend’s well-being. Give your animal the care and attention they deserve by taking advantage of Lex's Pet Sitting and the convenience and quality of our Drop-In Visits. Schedule a time and date you'd like for us to check in.

Includes: feeding, dog walks, eliminations, 30 minutes of play time



  • Cats - $30 

  • Dogs up to 25 lbs - $30

  • Dogs 26-60 lbs - $35 

  • Dogs over 60 lbs - $40


Holiday Pricing: When booking with us during a holiday, $10 will be added to each visit.


*Our hot weather cut-off for dog walks is 95 degrees and up (dog breed dependent). If there are air quality warnings for wildfire smoke or anything else, the pet sitter will keep house windows closed and will not exercise the pets outside.

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